So true. If you ever want to see an example of inter-generational hatred, look no further than the loathing and disdain that the Boomers, special world-changing snowflakes that they were, had for the Greatests.
So true. If you ever want to see an example of inter-generational hatred, look no further than the loathing and disdain that the Boomers, special world-changing snowflakes that they were, had for the Greatests.
The people over in the news side of the WSJ office must be having greater-than-normal conniption fits over this latest idiocy from the op-ed side. Which means the entire building must look like it's at the epicentre of an 8.0 quake instead of the usual 4.0.
It's USC, so the jury's still out on your question.
That's some Gary Coleman level of parental thievery going on right there. What a pair of parasites.
Companies like Sony and their industry lobbyists will latch onto any pretext to re-introduce the same crappy bills that threaten our privacy and our control over our own devices under new names with slightly different language. They hope that somehow this time Internet users won't notice (hence sleazy tactics like…
Looks great. Of course, it's only a matter of time before the publishers go after it in a way that will make the airlines going after that hidden-cities site seem tame.
The only way you're gonna keep up with the DDOSers quickly enough is by banning entire IP blocks, and even then they're either spoofing legitimate ISPs and/or using zombie computers created by viruses so you're helping them do their work for them by blocking legit users. These script kiddies (they're not really…
I've seen the word "thirst" pop up on Gawker Media over the past few months, but didn't really get that it's shorthand for "childish attention seeking" until I read partway through this list. Thanks.
In a situation like this, it's hard to go wrong following the methodology of Tom Wilson (AKA Biff from "Back to the Future").
Good for her. Opportunisitic ideologues like these poison the public discourse with their childish confrontations for the sake of confrontation, so it's great that their mommy is calling it what it is (and also supporting progressive issues).
That's just the sort of pissy, childish letter I'd expect from yet another bitter conservative debate-club nerd who still can't get over the fact that the "cool kids" in high school and college didn't respect him and his "edgy" contrarianism.
Qatar, North Korea, FIFA, Coca Cola: that's a whole lot of evil and corruption piled into one story!
Oh, they hate to be called out on their self-centredness and selfishness. With my NPD person I quoted her verbatim some insanely selfish statements she'd made in certain contexts and (with those she couldn't deny) she simply refused to process why they were so awful, hurtful and inappropriate.
Sorry to hear your father is like that. You're taking the right course, even if you can't fully cut your ties — with close family or work supervisors it's not always so easy or practical to purge a toxic person from your life.
I've had to deal for decades with a family member who, amongst other personality flaws, likely has NPD (probably the least diagnosed disorder out there given how wonderful they think they are). After a row that challenged her self-perception I surprised her with a brutally honest conversation about why I would be…
I was just responding to the initial comment, which I didn't think was misogynistic. I wasn't following the other discussion.
At this point one would have to be a noxious misogynist to make someone think one was part of gamergate.
"Actually it's about ethics in games journalism" (please click through to the SFW tumblr link before attacking)
I'm willing to bet this clueless git lives in Beverly Hills or Brentwood, CA and hasn't collected a paycheque since the day she got married and quit the PR job she held for a few years after graduating from Vassar. And "kids arrive in overflowing cars from less fortunate areas"? That would be her code for Mexicans and…