
Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, I'm just a Caveman. I fell in some ice and later got thawed out by your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me.

Remember when Kings of Leon were good? Ya, me neither.

Sadly, I also learned tonight that there are at least 34 people in the world with some form of the Twitter handle @just_drew_it

Eh, this is really just a rhythmic slap on the wrist.

That's cool if last year counts as one of those 2 years.

Excuse me if this off the subject a little bit, but just take a guess at how much I can bench press. Come on, what do you think? Take a guess.

Can't believe Wafer went for the dick punch. He usually goes for the Necco.

"...and then he pulled out a SECOND gun!"

The biggest athlete these days is named Gronk, so maybe yes, it might be the Stone Age.

Goldeneye, Super Mario World, and A Link to the Past—in some order.

2014 hot take: "Sherman should stop his thuggish behavior!"

Sheraton Wild Horse Pass public relations director Stephanie Sanstead apologized to the team saying "the fire alarm had to be there or they'd get fined."

All Day I Dream About Salvation

Also, everyone has to have a full-time job except the punters.

Think of how fucked up you'd be if somebody asked you to help your uncle Jack off his horse and, misunderstanding, you helped your uncle jack off his horse.

How does somebody get this fucked up? I guess it probably stems from some childhood trauma, such as when an uncle helped him off a horse.

Mayweather: "Call me"

After "oh yeah," the undercover officer gave the signal for the arrest team to move in and arrest Anthony.

Grandma Ma