
i posted a second link with a recorded phone call to the police dept in her neighborhood. They say they never got a call. How is that not important or even enough to bring her claims into serious question!? Jesus...think for once please


sorry i'm unsure of whether or not you posted before i edited my post but someone recorded their call to the police dept. it's in the 2nd link along with a transcript. if you saw already then ignore all this of course lol. just wasn't sure.

I had a feeling, something struck me as odd. Not that she would get any threats cuz it's the internet, but she knows that people will sympathize and why not use that? This is why I feel women need a different voice speaking for them in video games. I have no problem with feminism in games but I do have a problem with

and you just can't seem to get the point huh? wooow...

Sorry, minor nitpick. Angels and demons are NOT the same thing. those angels cast out of heaven are sealed in darkness along some river (I forget the name) until judgement day. Demons appear to come from the Abyss, which is not the same thing as Hell. the new model lol, and it's being released with MH4G since the new 3ds and new monster hunter game have the same release date in Japan (October 11th)

In the end? There would be no beginning lol. Once he's awake we're kinda screwed. I would love a movie showing his awakening and subsequent takeover though. Maybe battles between him and his enemies O: there'd be so much potential

I've heard it many times before actually. Not in a while though

heh, hehe...puns

you pass judgment WAY to quickly doesn't make it a bad game, it makes you a terrible gamer

When did he call it a bad game? He said it wasn't for him. And your comment is somewhat hypocritical, I hope I don't have to explain why lol

you still haven't answered the question. what about it makes it so much more special than other games? When you strip all the hype away what is it doing? You say it's fun and that's great, now what *makes* it fun? This is a genuine question btw, because I'm kind of in the same boat as OP, just without the being turned

Oh I do, but fanboys will be fanboys. You know how it is.


While I can't say I love the idea of having to pay for unlocking full internet access (filters block way more than just porn and it's stupid the things that get blocked sometimes), I honestly can see this preventing at least a good number of children from looking t porn/whatever the hell. Of course there's gonna be

I dunno if this is included in your "very japanese" category or not, but have you tried Monster Hunter at all? It's not for everyone I'll say that now, but if it does "click" for you I can promise you'll get literally hundreds of hours out of it lol. I'm at about 860 hours in 3 Ultimate, and I imported 4, with about

And considering the variety and sheer number of 3ds games on the market (I'm assuming you haven't played them all) I'd say my point still stands. I hope you find something you enjoy.

I don't think you're looking hard enough if you can't find good games