
the article says Metroid Prime was beaten in 0:55 seconds, not 1:23:55 lol

love you too <3

Do you realize the hypocrisy of that statement?

but again, you're not though, that's just what you're telling yourself. But as long as you're having fun... :P

But you're not though...I really do mean that. Whether it's me or not you're talking about, you really haven't done anything to make a point or make anyone feel bad or so-called "salty". If you wanna do that then do it right! Then no one can argue even if they wanted to.

ahem...semen is what you mean, I find it would be rather hard to drink people, dry or not.

well you obviously do care since you've responded the way you have to EVERYONE here...

Oh I know it's used as an insult by some, but that's not the case here. I just want you to actually think hard about this whole situation before "white-knighting" her. Like it or not, that's what it's called. Also when close to half of your comments are useless obscenities that add nothing to your point it's kind of

And why do you assume I'm trying to intimidate you? I'm just going by what I've seen from your other comments, and you being scared of me would serves me no purpose whatsoever. It wouldn't improve my quality of life at all, so what's with all these baseless assumptions and borderline paranoid behavior? You're

And you completely ignore everything I've said, good job. It's clear you have nothing of value to contribute to this so just stop already, geez. Oh and one final thing, what you're doing isn't respecting her at all, this is called white-knighting which I've said already. Hell the fact that you have the audacity to

I'm not demonizing anyone, so stop trying to sound like you understand ANY of my thoughts on the matter. It's embarrassing, and not for me :/

Oh I agree completely that no woman owes a man anything, and what this guy did was...I'm just gonna say it wasn't the best course of action. But I feel like there's a lot more going on here that we're being shown. OP acknowledges that they're having intimacy issues and that he's talked everything out with her before

All I have to say is that's some god-tier cherry picking, are you sure you're reading the same comments we are? 90% of them are saying to just talk it out...

did you even read the actual reddit post and her comments in there too? Or are you that desperate to white knight this chick?

45 minutes is waaaay too long man, you should be hitting 15-25 minutes and that's against endgame stuff.

It shows how gameplay looks, and that's what we're talking about. We know how it looks from a player's perspective and already I'm more likely to play this than any other MOBA

umm...ya might wanna pull that stick out of your ass. :T

Savage deviljho is in 4 and will be in 4U. Hell there's a savage Jho Golden Rajang arena quest. And of course 2 savage jhos in that same arena

It looks better than boom though, and hell it looks more hedgehog-ish than the real sonic. Me like
