
How come? Every car he own is spot on. Except SUV's and Lexus

I found this profile on car domain, it might be his.

If this happened in a straight line, what would happened if there was a turn?

Weird guy gets tattoo of a weird guy.

That Audi A8 in top left corner looks pretty much intact.

My first thought.

Yeah, but in Russia you can get ass kicked for flicking fingers, cause you never know who's driving...

Not a big fan of Toyota but this one's not bad


Faster, lower, better. Lower? Look at that wheel gap!

I know it has supercharger and turbocharger, that's why it's called ST1

My eyes are watering cause I have a cold, I swear!

After posting this I found another clip with 30'' wheels, that was scary.

And at least 30 speakers in the car...

I don't get people who track fuel log, just fill it up and drive and get a life!