
Yes but it has wheelz !

For same people, just with less smug

I hope you are being sarcastic, cause there is nothing to be lucky about yugo :(

It's a Toyota for people in beige pants and polo shirts

I drive a yugo, 'nuff said.

I drove 3 door version 1.9jtd, black with the same wheels like on picture above. And I liked it a lot. It was fast and economical, drove it for a few years without any major mechanical problem.

180mph is not that much...

Looks like the Replica of a Excelero which is build by Lamborghini Genève and costs around $800.000. As far as i know, the real one build by Fulda Tire Company build for Mercedes Benz isn’t really for sale. To make things short this seems to be the Replica. As the real one is located in Germany and there is snow in

it reminds me of this

What car is that ?

shelby stripes

All we need is ANOTHER version of 911

Well there's your problem...

I'll give you $5

hard to find unmolested one, with out rice spoilers, neon lights, and dropped suspension... It was hard to find a picture of stock one.... geez