You:What a save!
You:What a save!
You:What a save!
What a save!
What a save!
What a save!
If you are American you have a weird level of national pride about everything.
Yeah, as someone with a degree in art it’s a bit alarming how many games seem to lack basic art direction to tie it all together, but then again... when I try to code games it’s like a hodge podge of duct tape and straws to get it all to work.
totally. ^_^
Khajiits are friendlier in this game. My companion is a level 13.
Literally 9 million. So if you looked at one per second, it would take you 2500 hours. I guess I’d be tired of them too if I’d spend over a years looking at photos like this as a full time job, plus overtime. Hope it payed well.
*Sighs, starts playing Chrono Trigger again*
This happens every damn year.
Are they patching my ability to not totally suck?
I used to play fighting games, let’s just say too much. I personally, would always bring my level down so that others could have fun, because I feel no games scare away more players than fighting games.
I don’t like people who are overly competitive, I don’t see the point in making my recreation just as stressful as my…
Well it turns out that the availability of Google Fiber in Austin is pretty limited, and nowhere outside of the city itself. With the high rent prices we saw in Austin city, that pushed us out into the suburbs and—surprise surprise!—into the arms of TWC.
I’m a hunter, and I know I always feel the proudest when I use bait to lure an animal that I have no intention of eating and that has become acclimated to being in the presence of people (which removes any sport in it) nominally outside a protected area for the sole purpose of counteracting the shame of my shockingly…
I watched this live and was wondering: What's the conversation like backstage? How many dinners does Rollins owe Cena?
Surprised it wasn’t a geiser for longer. Impressive medical technology? Or further evidence Cena is a cyborg?
Do you get paid by the stupid comment?