
(Not that some of these aren't also no-brainers... :) )

Probably because it's a no-brainer, and also because it's only applicable to outdoor exercise.

That seems extremely reasonable...and unreasonable for anyone to think they should replace 3rd party ram. That's like trying to get Nintendo/Microsoft etc to replace your Mad Catz controller.

That is the dumbest idea imaginable.

Time for the monthly new DS release...

I didn't laugh. I'm dead in side :((((

Granted I haven't watched it in years, but I stopped watching it years ago because it was so bad.

The windows 7 to windows 8's vista... or... just more garbage?

Fair point!

Everyone's so uptight

That is disgusting.

This is actually great though; it's not enough to win me over, but I like that there are more options for "all in one" systems.

It should've supported MKV to begin with.

Shrug.. I'm reading all these and thinking "they're just games." Though I haven't played Silent Hill yet I admit. But I can't think of a game that has ever disturbed me, if you don't count VC in NBA 2K14....

"mate i'm probably like 20 years older than you."

That little kid is my hero. Older kid can fall into a vat of acid

The sad thing is SOME IDIOT out there WILL pay $30 for 90 days of a game.

Too bad they didn't set someone up to say:

Well, capitalizing on stupid peoples' stupidity IS taking advantage of people doing what they love. Ignorance is bliss.