
Depends where you go. I think to some degree it's to fit in/psychological, others nutritional. It's habit, too. I've not eaten meat in 15 years but I was raised eating it. It's nice to have more options at restaurants, too, ones that will not make you feel left out.

The people who hate tofu are bad cooks. It's a versatile food option if you know what you're doing.


It's not rocket science. a $3000 card produced on a small scale to elite/enthusiasts who'll make the rest of the customer base jealous. Then, when this card drops down to the $1,000-500 range, you'll get people spending more than they normally would just to get this card they only dreamed about...

Agreed. Time to stop whining and pony up for a hard drive, sissies. Seriously, a 4 TB drive is a a great investment.

Well, that's 55 seconds I could have spentmore productively by watching cat videos.

Yeah, because you'd HAVE to buy it if the game was made, you halfwit.

Expecting journalistic integrity from someone responsible for the "New Power Rangers Toy Has an Erection" gem?

But can you read with your eyes with GLOVES ON?

Logic behind a lot of these are probably "haha, I bet this'll show up on kotaku, because they'll write about ANYTHING!"

Kinda sounds like a nice guy... Nice guy and business/success don't mix.

It's potentially libelous, to be honest.

Google Chrome auto translate?

$90 for a 2TB external hard drive isn't a deal.