
For attacking terrorists? I wouldn't say so. But we'll wait for the American media spin, where Anonymous becomes the cause of Israel's terroristic behaviour. *eyeroll*

So when the iPhone 4S lacked LTE it was the end of the world, but now that the Nexus 4 lacks LTE it's totally cool? lol...

Uh... Ok... If you're looking for a budget phone, that's fine. I'm looking for a premium device. So we're not really in the same market.

The lack of LTE is a huge deal for me. When the freaking iPhone already has LTE, any phone that doesn't is not worth buying. Seriously, you're going to come out with a phone that doesn't have a major feature after APPLE adopts it? That's absurd.

SD slot I don't care about, but LTE is a dealbreaker. I have been waiting 2 years to upgrade from my iPhone 4, and this is not the phone to upgrade to, sadly.

I hate seeing articles about this phone because I just keep being reminded of what a fail it is and the fact that I have waited so long for it when I could've been enjoying the Galaxy Nexus, and now I'll have to wait another eternity for the next Nexus so I can buy one without feeling like an idiot.

For a second I thought Hulu was going to be like that video game streaming service (I forgot what it's called).

Actually I didn't, and I won't be buying it. I'm waiting until my contract ends in July and then I'll see what the 5S has to offer, or the Nexus 4.5, or the Nokia 1020.

Exactly, nobody ever gets the theoretical 42mbps of HSPA+. The higher the maximum, the better the speed, regardless...

I think this proves that exposure to ocean water cultivates healthy neural growth.

Cutting edge technology - except LTE.

Fucking rich people.

I expected this to cost $9, maybe $15 tops.

Every time I hear or see someone use the washroom and then leave it without washing their hands I have to hold myself back from saying "HEY! You dirty son of a bitch! Wash your fucking hands or I'll cut them off!"....

I was selling my iPad 2 and was texting the girl I was selling it to. At the same time, however, I was texting a special someone some very inappropriate things. Needless to say, I ended up texting this poor girl something HORRIBLE and she was terrified of meeting up with me to buy the iPad. Luckily I convinced her to

You've kept that text for over a year? You're really that proud of this? ...

... and why am I here, really? Please tell me.

I'm annoyed. I was planning on buying an iMac, but without a superdrive it's just not a competent desktop computer. I don't use CD drives every day, hell right now my desktop is out of commission and I don't even have one to use, but the fact that it doesn't have one just pisses me off. I didn't need a thinner desktop

In every art gallery I've entered, you are not allowed to take pictures. Is that not the case here?

It kind of makes sense to me. As long as desktop IE10 can run it, that's fine by me. I certainly won't be buying a Windows tablet, and I prefer the traditional UI for a desktop.