
Really great write up, Evan and now - somehow - I’ve even more excited for the 30th. Can’t wait for it to drop.

TNG is probably the most “Trek” show out there (what with the level of influence Roddenbery had on it for years and years), but DS9 is far and away the better television show, for sure. I just can’t gush over how wonderful a show it is to watch. The characters, the themes it explores, the idea that you can’t live in

I will fight anyone who says that DS9 isn’t the best Trek.

My favourite movie, even moreso than Alien because the fear is, it could be anyone you know.

Now playing

Hell it’s Reeve’s performance as Clark Kent that pisses me off specifically regarding Caville’s performance, he makes little to no effort to play Clark Kent even less then he does “Superman”. Just look at how Reeves transitions between both performances in this one scene.

My problem with these fan made trailer mash ups from old movies is a) they’re always too long, they should be the length of an actual movie trailer (2 minutes 20 max) and b) they cut them in the same style as movie trailers now with the music and bwarrrr sound effects to go with it. It'd have been much better if

Go ahead and name some shows that have a single better child actor, let alone an entire major cast of cant. Also ,“escape velocity”? just talk like a normal person instead of someone who just got a 4 on their AP english test.

put down the brandy snifter of your own farts, and just enjoy things.

Episode 10: What About Barb?

I have those Golden Books! My daughter is still a toddler with a short attention span so when we read them, I have to shorten them hilariously to approximately 1 sentence a page. “Princess Leia has a problem! She solves it with some friends. A mean man is there. Everyone is happy at the end!” etc.

But a new fan-created trailer makes a great case for a standalone on-screen saga.

I could never get into them.
The sweep and scale of cinematic epic are just missing, replaced by character introspection and the amount of plot it takes to fill a novel’s length. Even the novelization of ANH, while good, fills in a bunch of things the film just blazed past- but that blazing pace is a core part of Star

To be fair, I’m STRONGLY against new characters being revealed to be past popular characters in disguise or descended from them, but if Rey is tied to anyone, her being Obi-wan’s granddaughter is the one thing that makes sense. The McGregor and Guinness dialogue in her vision, the fact that part of her fight with Kylo

We love it when our favorite sites get a hold of our work. Thanks!

“There is a 97.6% chance of failure.

Normally wouldn’t nitpick, but you got the quote completely backwards. Impressively backwards, really.

I hate that speech so fucking much. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says, doesn’t matter what the actual facts of the matter are, if you think you’re right about something, you should never ever change your mind about it and you should force everyone else in the world to adapt to your point of view.

I feel like the constant pointing out of influences and homages on this show is doing it a disservice. Every story comes from something else. Every movie, tv show or even theatre play borrows shots, scenes, or settings from previous works.
I think that instead of praising it, it undermines the fantastic job the Duffer

Oh I think it’s in space, that isn’t crashed on the planet, perspective?

One way the EU (Legends now?) did this right was remembering the Emperor vested direct control over regions in military commanders, bypassing the Senate. This random throwaway line in the middle of New Hope to me shows more world building than most of the prequels... But relevant here is if you have a loyal system