Italian Spiderland

Unrelated musings on RotK: the greatest problem with that series is that difficulty is never really a proper curve. Depending on your kingdom/start location, the difficulty peaked somewhere from early to middle game, before you snowballed into an unstopable death machine. My favorite playthroughs were Lu Bu in Pu Yang

I put so many hours into RotK 10 and 11, I loved those games so much. I think my personal great disappointment of the last decade is that companies like Koei were either unable or unwilling to take their best titles and improve them in a coherent modern way. DW series has basically gone unchanged since DW3, RotK 12

Maxing out CP wise, the order doesn’t matter. But you should wait to know if your evolved pokemon has decent moves before spending stardust on them.

Clearly not as good as the Sega Dreamcast game of the same theme, X-treme sports

Can they please reboot Metal Wolf Chaos? And port it to the US? That would be fantastic.

That video felt like it belonged more at a shareholder’s meeting than at E3.

So, what does everyone think happened? Trump made it up? Ben Roethlisberger spoke to him privately but is now trying to get some distance publicly? Trump had two campaign staffers hold down Ben until he agreed to support Trump?

Semi-related, but my translator friend talks about how it is much harder for African Americans to get jobs as English tutors in China than white folks. There is some serious racism there, too.

Oh man, this plus the possibility of a Trump up ticket is going to cost McCrory the governorship, isn’t it? So excited.

I wonder if how closely the movie will match the show in the way that halfway through you realize that Hawkeye and Mustang should have been the main characters all along.

This may be the worst Kinja ever.

You never did...the Kenosha Kid.

False. Madvillain saved Doctor Doom.

I guess Kotor 3 is never going to happen because TOR took a lot of that narrative space. It would be far easier for them to write a story 2000 years between Kotor and the prequels in the style of Kotor for them to declare TOR nonexistent.

I think that ship sailed in 2008, sadly. Or whenever Lucas Arts decided to screw over the publishing of Kotor 2.

A New Hope
Force Stays Woke
Kotor 2
Return of the Jedi
Kotor 1
Revenge of the Sith
Force Unleashed
Phantom Menace
That Podracing game for PS2
Getting Hit by a Bus
Attack of the Clones

I think what this really shows is that sophistication of regulation matters. It isn’t helping anyone to use command-and-control regulation. Perhaps they need to use more effluent charges or create cap-and-trade quasi-markets. Make it so that the car companies are making more EV cars because it is now in their economic

But see, as a newish player who hasn’t spent money on Hearthstone (I only just now got to play a bunch of arena, as the single player expansions are costly!), I don’t even have Big Game Hunter! I get that you can remove any one card, but that is true of any other card. I just don’t see why Boom couldn’t be 8 cost.

As someone who only got Hearthstone recently, and doesn’t spend money on it, I always get a bit upset when I run into Dr. Boom. How does it make sense for Dr. Boom to be a 7 cost 7/7? When you add up his bomb bots, he can do up to 17 damage. In what world is this fair?

...You did read the bit at the end where he talks about his almost-SS-aged kid, right? Unless you want to read reviews of Sesame Street written by 3 year olds?