
Sometimes I do.

Seriously. Literally the only website I even bother looking at the comments. I have yet to be disappointed.

Thank you for putting that in words I could not.

That is EXACTLY what happened to me when I first saw it. Those gorgeous visuals.. and then, right at the end, the woman with her slowly growing unseen smile.. I just burst into a massive grin, eyes blurry.

Perfect for a semi-short film.

Indian crows (see my avatar) seem to do both the standard American Crow caw, as well as the clicking and chuckling sounds. Although the chuckle is more cough-like. There was this one time a crow just came up and straight up started talking at me.. And it's not like I feed the crows ever. All sorts of different

I currently speak 4 languages, 'fluently'. But that's also because I grew up speaking all of them - English at school, Hindi and Gujarati everywhere since I grew up in Gujarat, India, and Marathi at home. I've been trying to pick up Spanish on and off over the past year, still haven't really gotten far. What this kid

Oh, we are!

I'm a little surprised this wasn't simulated in software.

Perhaps eventually, Mycogen (from Prelude to Foundation).

Do tell.

I agree, but it usually leaves to ponder who came up with something like this in the first place, and how. And that can be so much fun, be it researching it, or wild hypothesizing.

In some parts of India, cow dung mixed with mud is also used in building huts. As for the burning patties, it really smells somewhat pleasant. Agree with burntheartist, it's better for starting a fire.

Damn you, autocorrect?

That's it. My Twitter feed is now officially more than 50% random weird disturbing stuff like this, and all thanks to io9. Keep 'em coming.

It was like I stole a secret from the universe. That's really the only way I can describe it.

True Detective handled it very well, I feel.

I could totally see a series of these (titled something like 'Of Earth') set in different parts of the world, as tourism ads aimed at settlers on other planets and moons in the Solar System.

But can he restrain his dragon?

Agreed. That image of the Mountain thumb-deep in his skull, Oberyn screaming wordlessly and hysterically with his front teeth suddenly missing.. God, that got to me more the final head smash. It was just.. so sudden, the change from the suave graceful righteous person he was to this.. pitiful, horrifying, mindless