@DNinja: Every single time they take their PS3 captures directly from HDMI with the PS3 set to FULL RBG and Superwhite on.
@DNinja: Every single time they take their PS3 captures directly from HDMI with the PS3 set to FULL RBG and Superwhite on.
@Brian Ashcraft,
@pest174: So my reply here to Pika of Chu.
@Doctor Pika of Chu: Sorry, blatently copied your style in a post, but didn't hit reply with it ;)
Sounds like it's less a case of Sing and Dance and more a case of
@Knifington: Well played sir.
Who is Jon Blow going to blame this time for making money on selling the game?
@archronos: Oh, come on! "The Shoot", as in shoot guns. And "The Shoot" as in shoot a movie.
@NarooN: Yup. And there are those gullible enough to believe, such as Darian in this very thread, the 1080p/60fps bollocks.
@NarooN: Exactly. Even GT5 isn't full HD, but has an "upscaled" horisontal resolution to 1920 pixels, meaning it's actually displaying only 2/3 of the pixels of a true full HD image.
@F3ARL3SS: He says, "I can't believe thats what it looks like," and sadly he's right... in actual gameplay.
@Clixx13: Excellent point about the piracy and recent firmware updates.
Double post
@Oligopoly: "I really question this piece right here, that's easily a misinterpretation from the unknown source."
To give Atomic Accessories some credit, they describe it honestly on their website:
@Full_Circle: I'm glad that I brightened your day ;)
@strikerno14: Maybe that's because the devs want it to be believable for Snake to fancy her.
I have one.
@mrhthepie: Quality Photoshop, well played :)
oops, deleted