
@s]-[iO_keN: " And if you do own a PS3, then you should know what they are, MGS4, which u already named, LBP, Resistance 2, SOCOM: Confrontation, Motorstorm 2, HOME... these are all games exclusive to PS3 that are gonna do well, that are "good"."

@jair: The P33 doesn't need million sellers. With 33 Cell Processors it will take over the world.

@animexplorer: "360 is mainly bought to get modded and practice piracy."

While it's true that the Wii has less "good" games and far more shovelware than the other 2 platforms, there's still just about enough quality there to make it a worthwhile purchase.

@Llost: "I notice he said he didn't like it but not that it's a bad game."

@Garo: The 360 had a price cut across the range in Europe in March.

@s0njas0n: You say you don't understand why the EU store gets screwed, so I'll tell you.

@Lexi00: Unfortunately, that's primarily because of when European retailers like to launch new games (Friday for the weekend), and therefore the distribution networks are primed for those timelines.

Just what I needed today, more "untapped power" informercials.

@pandafresh: I think most of it came as a result of the promises made at E305, many of them broken (or twisted) by at E306, and the general arrogance displayed by Sony execs at both of those expo's, in-between them and for most of 07.

@Kaneda: Love the funnay in your post :)

@immikeulate: You're correct. And I've never had a problem with my Xbox360 either, so it's clear that RROD is just a lie put out by the Sony fantards. This is the internets, I put nothing past no one!

@SnakeCL: "...heavy use of blur filters and fog, and lower texture quality..."


Oh, and doesn't anyone else think it's strange that Phil Harrison's lead at Atari doesn't stop this being a PC/360 exclusive?

Damn, even Sony are getting in on the "Lazy Devs!" argument used by every Playtard when a head to head shows a 360 title looking and/or performing better.

@Zim: "I was very impressed when he managed to take cover behind a window boarded up with wood from a MASSIVE turret the size of a small van. That's some impressive wooden boards."