
Yes, Lindalee. I thought it was cute too when the Doctor kissed Rory.

I'm going to keep my copy and love it, and then when my niece gets old enough to enjoy picture books and the like, I'm going to show it to her, and we can read through it together.

That is brilliant!! I've just gone and placed an order with Amazon.... this may be the first book about chemistry that I'm excited to own.

Thank you, Charlie, for the Doctor and Rory pashing gif. It was on my Christmas list. I was watching this episode on a train, and got quite a few looks at all my chortling throughout. Loved it - and especially the return of angry, pissed off Doctor who will send someone to their death.

That was the first thing I thought of too

And I've lost my appetite. Thank you, Internet denizen.

"Maybe Andy's fairy baby mama will birth a savoir fairy"

I remember this trick from when I was a kid, so I trained myself to always think of Djibouti as my 'D' country, and 'Jabiru' as my animal.

Seen Indonesian? A TON of borrowed words in that language.

Dear god, I am FASCINATED!! I've gone and googled up a bit of stuff now, and I'm honestly shocked at how easily I can understand the gist of what's going on from listening to the language. No doubt I'm helped along by being fluent in Indonesian and Italian and English...

I'm about to head off and google it, but just from the very get go... sambahsa = sama bahasa = language same? Hmmm. My curiosity is piqued.


I broke my leg at the beginning of the year, and spent pretty much all of February on my back, with my leg propped up in the air. And my cat spent pretty much all of February on my chest, purring his little kitty heart out. I appreciated that effort on his part. And I also appreciated the fact that he limited his

My kitty taught himself to play fetch. Oh, how he loves the game. Especially at 4am. But like YoungWilliam said, when my cat loses track of where his fetch toy is, he doesn't quite get why I'm pointing and gesticulating to behind the door.

One of the cats I had as a kid came inside once looking a bit ill, off her food, and had a paralysed lip. When we went outside, we found a dead baby brown snake.... Only one conclusion that we could draw from that.

Thanks, Cyriaque. Now all I'll be able to think of all day is Matt Smith in nothing but a bowtie, doing pushups. I'm meant to be productive at work, you know?

So it's not just me then? Good. The werewolves need to be put to sleep.

Is it just me, or do Lala and Tara seem to be coming the full circle back to the truly awesome characters that they were in Season 1? I truly hope so.

Word! I have a few different barks in my kitchen cupboard.

The biggest compliment I can pay this guy and this video, is that it makes me wish I knew more science.