Jewish laws, man... Jewish laws.
Jewish laws, man... Jewish laws.
Some animals have multiple stomachs...
You obviously have never heard of Jewish laws about kosher animals...
Pretty much... I wanted to post an apology on Oppo but too late...
Oh well, let them be what they want to be...
I'd expect to see that interior in an Aerotech... But not this.
God bless you man... It's kinda odd no one warned me and I said I won't post gross videos again but boom someone ripped my author status off. I'd like some answers... :-(
It'll be interesting to know the story behind those laws... Hey, hey man, I know you're an author on Oppo, can you please tell Crown Victor Victoria that one of the mods took away my author status without any warning? Thanks man.
I don't eat non-kosher animals... And they symbolize filth so they're not edible.
Would you understand if I tell you that it's a Jewish thing?
Let's not discuss too much religion... By Jewish law, kosher animals can be eaten only if they have split hooves and chew their cud.
Pigs don't chew their cud and they're swine... Jewish stuff.
Yeah, I know. Leviticus 11:7... Animals have to chew their cud and have split hooves... But pigs don't chew their cud so therefore, they're not fit to eat.
Nice interior in a fucking ugly car? Yeah...
Pigs are fucking filthy, that's why... I don't eat pork.
Subaru XT... It's pictured in the dictionary under Fucking Ugly.
You forgot one more... Tip #6: DRINK A LOT OF WATER! NOT SODA OR ENERGY DRINKS!
No man, traffic lights are too fucking slow... What we need is more rotary intersections, they keep the traffic flowing.
Shit... It'll take 6 hours to get to Rector St from Pelham Bay Park at that speed.
No crazy Russians? I'm sorry but... That video sucks. ;-)