

How can I do that, because that's one of the main reasons I use the web interface (practically the same as the app minus the notifications)?

A LOT more!

That's a lot of aluminium.

On iPad - Feeddler . The most awesome for my needs. It has almost every function I can need and then some.

I wonder will there be an app that tracks the time on the background like manictime, RescueTime etc. I know that iOS pauses the apps one you leave the app, but there will be probably some way to bypass this.

Good time to say : "Fake and gay".

The car for the 1%.

No, he is "speechless", but apparently isn't "writeless".

Unfortunately the negative visualization will drag you down to a level you won't like to be. It would be like burning your money and then remember how good it was when they were in your wallet. The pointlessness...

Also it is pretty close to the Bulgarian word for "shitting"

Yep. 1 Billion dollars !!!1

Unfortunately due to the inflation 1 million dollars is a very little sum, Sir!

That was pretty awesome article. Thank you!

Well, you can call it ... "Golf" , oh wait! :)

Here, some people were selling PILLS that you put in the trunk... And they increase your mileage... Still not as ridiculous as the Prius though!

Actually... That works surprisingly well!

I, as a one at about to be in college I just can't settle my mind over ONE thing to choose in my life. I want to do various stuff and not limit myself with one activity. I can't imagine myself doing some accountant work in front of a monitor for 8 straight hours... I am attracted to arts, but I hear there only the

Well... If you watch it backwards it's about a dude setting a fire while vacuuming.

Vote: SnagIt. And it does it in great manner.