

Oh yeah, I got exactly the same sentiment of "but Jinora should have died!.... What the hell I'm thinking!!!"

In that case, it would be fine. But at this point I have little trust in the writters to deliver of the kind of confict you are talking about (seriously, I want to know that the street men and women think about having spirits wandering around their office and I more than sure that pilots would have a very interesting

Still, it will be a very conflictive period. Yes, there are spirits that are more friendly or weak, specially those who are small and not particular intelligent. But then you have a total asshole like Koh , or Wan Shi Tong a smartass huge owl who hates humans (but find their inventions very interesting), spirits that

All what Nathan said!

OMG!!! That rufftoon cartoon is pure brillance I loved it!!!!

Ironically, the more I watch Legend of Korra more I like ATLA. Because, yes LOK SEEMS to be more manture, but rapidilly degenerate into a soup opera with a love triangle of doom that literally sucked all, from the character development to the what was supposed the main plot (the equalist revolution) from the first

Actually I was pretty fine with Jinora as a really intelligent girl with a natural talent to conect with the spirits. I didn't even question that she surpass her father and guided the Avatar in the spirit world. What really bothers is that she sudently became in the most powerful spiritual guide of all the history of

I'm kind of concerned that spirits like Koh or Wan Shi Tong have now free access to the matirial world... or the fact that no benders are defenceless against them, or that the spirit world in not exactly a save turistic destination... I'm no sure about Korra's decision

THANK YOU!!! I thought I was going to be the only one who disliked this finale (and the season)


I'm utterly depressed right now, I've never felt so traped. The economy of my country is falling apart. The infation have been more than 50% just this year, the last years I was able to have savings, but now I almost spent them all. Now the president is ALLOWING to sack electronic store and people is already fighting

I will never understand why Korra prefer a jerk as Mako over this cutie.

I was little but I remember my family talking about then when I was little in the 90's. And they still talk about them and their "adeco" past XD

I think they are fantastic, so classy and elegant. And thinking the athletswould be able to use it even after the Olimpics.

And they totally forget people like Aristobulo Isturis and Clarudio Fermín, whe were in the politics away before Chavez was a thing, you those two perfect examples of "whiteness" XD

He de decirte que me sorprende que estes hablando de esto en Jezebel, de todas las partes en que puedes hablar. Tu sabes, la misma gente que cree que todo es perfecto en Venezuela, la misma gente que te acaba de informar que las misiones sirve para algo más que populismo, la misma gente que cree que en estos paises

The true is, the only important think when you are creating your foreign policy is "how this could benefit my country? (economic, political, military, etc)"in the worst cases it only reduce to "how this could protect my umber privilege class with political/economic/military power". The most of the timeo the countries

Saudi Arabia possesses 18% of the world's proven petroleum reserves, ranks as the largest exporter of petroleum, and plays a leading role in OPEC, although its influence has waned in recent years.

Basically, if someone try to sanction this country, the oil barrel will raise from $100 to at least $200 (in the best

No, no all of us grow up in US, actually, no all of us are living in or had ever lived in US. And contrary to the popular believe of many liberals in that country, no every society ever in the last 3ooo years can be explained through US's racial theory. And yes we have internet, modern cities, politics and an economy,