
If everyone had a Bulbasuar the world would be a better place.  This is incontestable.  

I havent changed the difficulty settings on puzzle quest, and it feels alot easier than the original PC release. Back then the AI was mericless and could see what felt like 10 moves into the future and prioritized match 4s ans 5s, which was complete horseshit. Now, it seems like it can only see 3 moves ahead and

The fact that they can say that with a straight face might be the worst thing about all of this. Since they clearly have such a low opinion of everyone else, it’s only fare to treat the company heads like the morons they are.

Why dont YOU fly to Hong Kong and shoot the CCP in its facist face, then, Mr. High Horse.

SO if I win a tournament, and the while the “shoutcasters” are interviewing me, I change the topic of my tournament win to something... say.. about my dog. Something that has nothing to do with the ‘esport’ I’m playing or the tournament I just won... Is Blizzard going to ban me and the shoutcasters over that? I

Stabbing someone with an 8 inch knife and then pulling it back out 4 inches is not progress.

Brack’s statement concerning Blitzchung’s statements “having had nothing to do with their decision” is about as full of shit as it gets. They absolutely kowtowed to China, and now they’re trying to reverse course amidst a firestorm of pushback.

Here’s the thing: corporations absolutely have the right to associate

It’s hard to believe that this compromise attempt (literally just cut their actions in half) is something that took a full week to cook up. If it was really “Oh this is just the rules in all situations” you would think it would be quickly adjusted. Feels more like an offering in the hopes of getting the chatter to die

To shove some words into Blizzard’s mouth: “Oh, we had no idea it would bite us in the ass like this! Why are you people so sensitive about it? We still have to do something to appease China, but we’ll give him back most everything! Will you guys go back to just playing our games and giving us your wallets pretty

I’m still completely lost as to what is going on, why, and even to who the enemies I’m gunning down are or what they ever did

I have to say my biggest gripe is less to do with the level design and more with the map. Of course, the designs have their own issues; they huge and sprawling with little content within. But the map is what maps it unbearable. When you use it, you're so zoomed in that you need to zoom out in order to make heads or

Well, it’s just one teacher. It’s not like you’re a student with a potential harem of teachers and oh my god has anybody made this H game yet?

I want him to voiceover a trailer for the game too... but maybe the publisher doesn’t want that xD.

Now playing

Reminds me of this gem WotC just put out for their new Magic set:

Hey now, talk all the shit about Anthem you want, but Ultimate Chicken Horse is fuckin’ legit.

young children probably won’t notice the wealth of disturbing biological evidence scattered about

As a Yakuza loyalist this...

Gotta say the Yakuza series never interested me until now, but I’m intrigued by this.  I’ve always heard how over the top (in a good way) the Yakuza series is, but the combat never really held any interest for me.  But over the top JRPG gangster combat sounds pretty fun, especially if you get to use the environmental

Screw the main game! Release the Mario Kart mini game as a separate game, and I’ll buy it for $60: