Roland Li

I feel so bad for the developers. It’s very unfortunate of them to be competing against Blizzard.

What is your favorite piece you have written from your game journalism career?

I heard a story from some guys at Chinatown fair arcade that back when she was living in NY, there was some folks were heckling her because of her sexuality while she was at the arcade. Other fighting game players came to her aid and dragged the hecklers out of arcad to beat them.

Everything about the game in general seems really generic

The graphics are horrible. Everything is blurry and dark. I can’t make out what’s going on most of the time and I have to guess what I’m doing and where I am.

The poor tournament organizers....

I think it’s a matter of whether or not you are able to draw.

That match is filled with a number of anus clenching moments

We got this guy in street fighter:

I would love to see a mortar style ordinance that does damage that can go over shields.

I have actually been thinking about this issue myself. I think their are some creative ways that could add more such as making a high mobile, melee combat titan or a slower titan with reenforced shields in the front and weaker shields in the back. Maybe one that doesn't have a melee attack but an additional fire

This game footage doesn't look like it's running on an Xbox....

As someone who plays SCV competitively, if I find someone that just mashes B, B. I will JD that shit just for style points. The best thing to do is to side step but for most characters, the string is safe on block but most moves in the game are punishable if it's just defended.