
I can see the list now: Top 10 cars in which to create a meth lab

Dodge/Plymouth Super Coupe! Flat black hood and roof, and all the aero you’d ever want on a Volare

Never understood why they were so pleased to see TRD in huge letters.

So average can be made to sound amazing, simply by marketing?

Prefer Macan and eggs.

The 'E' must stand for 'EGAD!'

My hands down favorite is the electric starter.
Always think of that when trying to start the Marmon.

I like his hat.

I like his hat.

This one didn't look right to me......



Hellcat PT Cruiser!

No, officer, the windows are down 'cuz I was hot.

Hey Joe Biden, you win and you get to sit in my office, I win and you don't say another word for a year.

At first look I thought the mic was a bong. Wishing I was drinking alcohol instead of coffee right now.

Owned a Sapporo identical to this one, bought it used with 40K then put close to 100k miles on it with only replacing clutches and a carb float. LOVED that car, it was comfortable and had power everything! And Opera lights! Good times.

I was 16, my dad was a Chrysler-Plymouth dealer in Pennsylvania, and I LOVED that twin stick. Choice of Power or Economy on one stick, regular 4 speed on the other. Start in Power+1, shift to economy, then a quick thumb flip back to Power, other fingers-shifting into 2nd at the same time, flip back to Economy, do

Stancing done correctly. Also vinyl roof.