
I'm thinking it's the more aggressive, unidirectional rubber like LTIROCKS said. That's going to make a difference in feel compared to the all season they run by default these days. I drove different GTIs with different tires and they felt noticeably different even on the street.

I've asked this question myself - only about Lincoln though.

If they'll let you put food in the chamber, they'll probably let you use the quartz lamp heaters to create a local hotspot even in a cryo chamber.

I put that Happy Thanksgiving from NASA image on the outside of my cube before I left for turkey day today. Brilliant.

It looks awesome in black too.

I just wish they had the RT out already. I looked long and hard at a limited, but it didn't have the sharpness of the 'sport' cars.

There were none to be found in Houston or Dallas when I was on the hunt. Good luck.

I just made that decision, I went with the GTI again, but the Countryman S was my second choice. The new Forester XT (provided they still do the turbo) should be a strong choice too. The no manuals thing limits the field for you a lot - the WRX is out.

If you want the best brisket, get to Snow's before they're sold out. I've had some absolutely great brisket from Salt Lick, but that was one out of probably 30 times. Ever since they expanded, their sauce isn't quite right and it's lost something. Our favorite 'all arounder' is Smitty's, we like their sausage and

Thank you for your passionate response. You give me hope for our future.

I just hope you didn't suffer the house margaritas at 1308. Ick.

I think #4 is a Corvette now. Still don't know on #8.

1. Nissan Juke

I coughed consuming a "brain eraser" containing goldschlager through a straw, and that was so unimaginably painful I can't imagine anyone snorting the stuff on purpose.

The one in the Houston Galleria smelled like sewage for a while, until the remodel. Must have driven someone at corporate insane.

You're saying contracts that require parts from many states are politically motivated? I'm shocked.

While I appreciate your concerns with cost plus, the fundamental difference is not in pricing, but in the arcane acquisition laws. Space act agreements (fascinating stuff) are how this could be cheaper. Federal acquisition regulations come with a massive, arcane accounting empire required to support them. Fixed price

If you really want to know it's "F-Bolts," not smooshing. The seals do smoosh some.

Thank you for that. I laughed so hard I cried.

Have any of you seen him and Sharon Gless in the same place at the same time? Just sayin.