
It's not the *only* reason, there could be something else wrong; but it's not likely with modern pumps. It's a highly likely correlation. I have the one, specific, empirical example. I've only encountered noticeably slow pumps a few times, in thousands of fill-ups. If it's bad enough that you notice it without

If you can get reliable results on that timescale - I can think of about 10 labs where you would be the smartest man in the room.

This is why I like the Penzey's store where you can often sample before purchase.

I have to recommend caution on gasoline purchases - specifically pay attention to how fast the pump is going. A slow pump means a clogged fuel filter and likely contaminated product. Not necessarily bad, but can be really terrible if you fill completely up. I was at a 'branded' station, but still a 'mom and pop'

In atmosphere, convection dominates. Radiation is a 10^-4 smaller factor and therefore, typically negligible.

I had an Explorer that had an 85 mph speedo. [redacted] My sister broke an old Century wagon's speedo (rectangular slot version) by maxing it out for too long. Wore out the connection apparently.

Same here. Great game.

Your introduction to the shows you were watching us in the half price books for 3 hours on Sunday. Creepy. Remote viewing?

I saw it at the "Spirit of Ford" in 2000. So very sad.

I haven't heartclicked anyone in a long time. That is worthy.

If that's wrong, I don't wanna be right. I *adored* the thrust of the 335, but that was kinda overkill when it comes time to pay for the gas. I love having a flat torque curve in my GTI.

No, it was GLaDOSiri.

Governments are more likely to be stupid than slick in my opinion.

It was good for what it was, but *why*? I just don't get it. They couldn't get the Traverse fast enough before.

My two trips to Mighty Fine were really not good. Five guys left me cold/grossed out, avoid the one in west Houston/east Katy.

I really didn't like Top Notch, or Hil-Bert's. P-Terry's was pretty good but I'm worried since they're growing so much. Culver's used to be good, but the south Austin store got bad. Fried cheese curds is worth mentioning.

There used to be a Backyard Burgers in north Austin at Parmer Ln. I only got to eat there twice before it was gone.

Edit: Read the story first.

While this is horrifying, I'm glad they figured this out. All the whining I see in the VW forums eventually turns into a real action like this, unlike my experiences with other cars.