
If you could get the EXIF data for a time stamp, you could calculate it. It would be a streak though.

This STS derived item was never part of Constellation. Orion is the crew capsule, that lives on as the MPCV still. Don't believe, fact check.

That is the creepiest picture I've seen in a long long time.

Reaction time.

Player of Games is interesting, but I think Use of Weapons is a better choice. It gets in your head in a different way.

Those look a lot like Jack Skellington. Mr. Burton is a crafty one lifting that.

Whoever came up with that was obviously creeped out by the Cisco phone "Are you there?" voice.

I want so badly to care about this, but 2:46 into it nothing is happening still.

Reasoned debate is admirable. Doesn't make much of a William Wallace moment, but I support you. On the rare occasion I can put up with the re-design long enough to read comments.

Isn't that *also* Guigiaro?

So how does this relate to the tariffs on imported trucks. Have they sorted that out yet?

There there. I still mourn my SportTrac, but the GTI is a great replacement 80% of the time. We rented a pickup for 24 hours to cover the remainder.

Go to neutral to slow without braking. Slowing to encourage them to pass only emboldens them.

Riddle me how tasting like "chicken" is not homoerotic? Urban dictionary, listing 7: chicken -

From where we are on sealing materials (elastomers) and wear surfaces, not as bad off but still really not good. Passing conductive signals down that sort of rotating interface will be very difficult, so wireless would be the solution for everything but power. Really, it's fluid (air) containment that is a major

The problem is the idea guys and the implementation guys are not the same people.

The hatchback version built in Germany?

It just looks like a chromed parrot. Polly wanna vomit?

I was driving a rental a week ago and that optimization was very noticeable in the fuel economy readouts. 70 was the "sweet spot" and 80 was much less efficient. 60 was no better than 70. In my every day car the sweet spot is bigger, perhaps because of the turbo.

That's a miracle shot.