
Planes can have a *very* long service life. 

My thoughts exactly… I get that what happened during WWII was awful… but it was 80 years ago and Germany and the U.K. have been allies since. Seems like a bit of “pearl clutching” to be upset over the choice of music. 

Such whimsical people!

We Germans are not all smiles and sunshine. 

Coming eight decades after Londoners lived through the German “blitz” in World War II”

It’s an identifier, just like your height, weight and hair color.

See this makes sense because every night people all over the world lay down without moving for 6-8 hours, and all of them die. Now we know! Seriously, what is this even about?

It’s not a hydrogen bomb unless it comes from the hydrogen region of the American military industrial complex. Otherwise it’s just a bomb with hydrogen in it. 

That's just irresponsible crap for a headline. Hydrogen bomb? Really!! You should probably head back to Utah where you feel justified being a victim.

I agree with everyone. This is not a hydrogen bomb but rather a bomb that uses hydrogen as an accelerant. 

Would you call Ferrari fascist cars?

Why is this on fucking Jalopnik, a CAR website?  SMH

Is it bad that I don’t hate this?

if you invested this money in 2008 you would be substantially better off than double your money.  I’m sure SOME sucker will pay 80k for this but i don’t see it’s value increasing much unless you wait 20 years to sell it. 

Whoever buys that STR8 is a moron lol

Proper cheeze

Surprised she didn’t complained about the smell of their disgusting cheese.

Well you were certainly committed to your hand placement!

My job is to get people to read the site. And not only did it work, but we delivered upon our promise. We promised to show you the next Corvette. And those images are not just an artistic interpretation of the C7 Corvette. That is the C7 Corvette. Those lines are real, the vents are real, the rear end is real, the DLO