Wait... Oprah has AIDS?? Someone better alert Stedman.
Wait... Oprah has AIDS?? Someone better alert Stedman.
Uh-oh, doth protest too much... You do see everything in skin color. Racist.
You’re an angry little man... I’m looking at Jalop on my phone and I can’t see his face nor race in the profile pic because it’s too small. But keep stoking the racism fires, dipshit.
I literally had no idea what race Bradley was until you just mentioned it. And I don’t care. So fuck off, you racist.
Turns out the ‘outdoor’ even is pretty ‘indoor’ too.
So wear a mask. Or just stay inside for the rest of your lives. Look, NOTHING is “completely safe.” You could die in a car accident tomorrow (better chance of that than getting RONA). I just don’t get the fear mongering.
So go to Indy and wear a mask. I’m sure plenty will. The mortality rate for your age group is miniscule either way. Or just stay home for the next couple years...
Stay home and stay scared in your safe space then, Walrus. I’m going with the fact that it’s next to impossible to contract outdoors. Here’s another article from the venerable NYT: https://www-nytimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/05/15/us/coronavirus-what-to-do-outside.amp.html?amp_js_v=a3&_gsa=1&…
You’ll have as good of a chance of catching full-blown AIDS at Indy as COVID-19.
Yes, “outside air” is SIGNIFICANTLY different than “inside air.” From this article: https://usa.streetsblog.org/2020/05/15/chinese-study-finds-outdoor-activities-safe-from-covid/
They’ll almost all be outside, in the open air, where it's basically impossible to be infected with any airborne virus. Calm down, Karen.
Yeah, that’s right. I’m a complete racist because I found NooseGate to be ridiculous.
Justin is just being woke, bro. And incredibly irresponsible.
Doth protest too much! You literally think that a random pull rope for a GARAGE DOOR with a loop on the end of it is a “message” to Bubba. Are you HIGH? Talk about confirmation bias... Sheesh.
Except that “explanation” is exactly what it was... Ya know, the FBI of all entities determined that. But keep on fighting the noose fight!
IT WASN’T A NOOSE. Jesus goddamn Christ. It was a loop on the end of a rope used to pull a garage door down. That’s it! I know you WANT it to be a noose and for all of NASCAR’s fan base to be ignorant hillbilly racists, but that’s just not the case. Some idiot on his team saw what they wanted to see, it got blow way…
I’m fine with who I am, thank you very much. Re-think how much you’re overreacting to this virus. Stay at home or tell Grannie to stay in her bedroom while you take out her trash. FFS
It’s a good thing that you declined; you should probably just stay home in your safe space...