This. A million times this. I can’t stand Trump, but FFS it’s not like HillDog is the Dem’s ideal candidate.
This. A million times this. I can’t stand Trump, but FFS it’s not like HillDog is the Dem’s ideal candidate.
Still can’t get past the Predator mouth on any Lexus, let alone this one.
Even more importantly, someone is driving the cars that someone is taking pictires of and we’re sitting at desks.
This needs to happen more often.
Calm down, Francis. Christ.
No different than Hillary’s supporters. She has far more baggage than him.
His angry lunatic uneducated supporters will continue to believe the lies.
Yeah, that’s who compromised the ENTIRE group. That’s how windows and other shit was broken and damaged. It was magic.
How about just going to work (if you have a job) and living your life. I wish these rioters/looters would do so, but that’s often difficult...
They’re rioting and looting. They’re not sitting around singing Kumbayah. “Militarization?” They’re wearing helments and protective gear. BFD.
Looks like the rioters/looters should’ve been given the...
Yeah, because the protesting is doing a LOT.
i mean muslims are the flavour of the week...
Nah, he was never any good in NASCAR.
Better than using
Fucking platitudes. This country is great. Those who are being “oppressed” need to become more familiar with history.
Jesus Christ, it’s a camo’d prototype. Don’t get all judgmental about it, especially the taillights, which are obviously stuck on for testing.
She was definitely not considering future litigation. She was interviewed by local news at the scene and she didn't appear too bright. Someone considering future litigation says nothing; she’s now locked into this story for better or worse.
Imagine if Hillary is elected...