
That sucks; I had began to really like to your writing and videos (even though you need a new mic).

Please note however, they pulled multiple guns on this guy. That wasn’t entirely necessary...

Maybe, just maybe, this actually represents 99% of encounters with police by all races, but it doesn’t fit with the liberal media’s narrative that white cops kill scores of blacks daily...

From Braff the smart-ass commenter circa 2008 to Jeff the Jalopnik contributor! Great piece and sweet pics.

What an ignorant post. If you don’t like NASCAR, fine. But to claim that F1 or other types of racing doesn’t include an aspect of fan danger is asinine.

The driver’s name was Mohamed?! Get the fuck out of here. I had previously suspected an elderly Amish man or Asian to be the terrorist.

Because they opened the floodgates to foreign immigrants from shithole, Islamic countries. Now they’re reaping what they sewed.

You are incredibly naive. Chicago and DC have the nation’s strictest gun control laws yet have the highest murder rates. Why? Illegal guns on the streets. The “gun dealership lobby” represents those selling guns to the 99.99% of people who use them lawfully.

I got ya the first time. You’re speaking in generalities (of which I agree) and I’m speaking specifics as to what he wrote. I’m literally saying that BMW doesn’t have to re-test a car for changing a seat belt color, which is what he seemed to imply. That was it.

I understand that there are asinine government regulations. But what he wrote, implying that changing the belt color would be subject to new crash tests, made no sense.

Pretty sure BMW has some black seat belts around somewhere that could be swapped in for someone with legit princess money.

That makes absolutely no sense.

No, they’re gonna stop tomorrow. Putz.

“Can’t exercise”? You bed-ridden, fattie?

Because metal is heavy.

He didn’t turn them, he just exposed them and gave them a platform.

Exactly. It’s a goddamn embarrassment to the NYPD and pandering joke.

Hey Doug, your skinny, white legs need to be covered. Shorts are not your friend.

Correction: This story has been updated to correct a detail about the wreck with the cyclist; it involved a Mustang, not a BMW.

And now we have to hear him explain why Rodney King needed to be beaten.