
And why, exactly, does NASCAR, which only does a couple road races a year, need IRS?

I’m not the one who needs therapy, pal; these freaks do. They need to come to the realization they’re the way they are likely due to trauma and/or abuse as a child. Or they’re just mentals. I miss the days when these freaks were marginalized and ridiculed. Well, they still are by most, but then you get BRUCE Jenner

Yeah, like me. Those freak shows can piss with others who share their similar sex organs and not freak out women, young and old. I don’t care what they “identify” as. This society’s political correctness has run amok and is disgusting.

No, I know which bathroom to piss in.

It’s not a problem for me whatsoever. I’m not a fucking freakshow. Wish they’d just kill themselves.

Bathroom bills only make criminals of transgender people.

You literally have no idea how the First Amendment works. It prohibits the GOVERNMENT from abridging your speech. That’s it. Universities, public or private, can do as please.

That’s not just “a car.” That’s an F40. Fuck this guy for doing that to it.

Yes. Gang have far worse (better?) things to do to initiate new assholes than steal bits off cars at auto shows. Like murder people.

Dude, it was a refresh, which all companies do with their products in mid-cycle. They cleaned up the nose and taillights and that’s it. I think you’re making a bigger deal about it than they are. Where are you seeing Tesla “bragging” about the refresh? You’re infusing/confusing the Jalop author’s love for it into what

Who the hell remembers the Camry refresh of 2000?? And why??

Enough of this. It’s ridiculous, lame, and old. These car mags are not “bought and paid” by anyone.

Such an original, hot take.

Umm, no. I’m agnostic as well, but here’s the thing: NASCAR isn’t a government entitty and, as such, can do whatever the hell it pleases with regard to religion. It doesn’t have to pander to to the two Jews and one Muslim attending by giving a “non-demoniational” invocation. It will give, for good reason, a prayer

It’s tradition. MSP has had single bubble overheads since the ‘50s. They’re also aerodynamically superior to light bars in that they create far less drag.

MSP maintains an old Dodge (a ‘73?), a ‘92 Camaro and Mustang, and a ‘95 Caprice. They are typically on display outside the MSP academy (where that pic was taken), but are sometimes sent to special events around the state.

First things first, Tyler, I hate to see you go. I loved reading your posts. You are one of best on kinja and hate to see you leave.

Cyclists are the WORST on the road.

Okay, now back to the rest of the S4 pictures:

Ever pull a car over? I have. Obviously cars have mirrors. No shit. All I’m saying is that passenger side approaches have startled people and/or taken them a little by surprise, especially at night. It’s not the safety issue the guy I was responding to thinks it is.