They didn’t violate US law.
They didn’t violate US law.
Many of the released prisoners have complained of enduring beatings, sleep deprivation, prolonged constraint in uncomfortable positions, prolonged hooding, sexual and cultural humiliation, forced injections, and other physical and psychological mistreatment during their detention in Camp Delta.
Semantics - y0u’re calling the CIA and military personnel war criminals for their actions in enhanced interrogation. Many military personnel participated in one form or another from capture to interrogation - hence “we.” You sure you aren’t French with beliefs like that? And like I said, no way you’ve ever spouted…
I know reading is difficult and you’re likely several pints in after work over there, but no where does he claim that detainees were tortured while at Gitmo. And that one sentence is the best evidence you can come up with of Gitmo detainee torture? Christ, they’ve been given everything from their fucking Korans to…
Thank Christ you are in the vast minority in the service. I guarantee you don’t go around whatever base/barracks/ship or wherever you are spouting that we’re a bunch of war criminals.
I read that sentence, boss. It does not say they were tortured at Gitmo. He CLAIMS they were tortured but doesn’t say how, when, or where. Reading is important.
I read the article, chief. It said nothing of “torture” at Gitmo, which is what you claimed happend in your fucking OP. They’ve been given everything from their fucking Koran to satellite TV at Gitmo.
Oh, Christ, you’re in the military and you actually think like this?? You think MY beliefs stoked their flames? You really think you would’ve been “A-OK” if you had been dropped off in Afghanistan prior to 9/11? Holy fuck. Yeah, blame me. You’re forgetting about, let’s see: the 1993 WTC bombing, the Khobar Towers in…
Ahh, that explains it all. You’re a fucking liberal Canadian. Well, I’m sure you won’t believe him, but Leon Panetta said the waterboarding led to intelligence.
I bet the people on the floors above where the planes hit would likely disagree with you about whether what they experienced in the hour or so before the towers fell was torture, chief.
There wasn’t a second 9/11. Good enough proof for me. Aside from that, a whopping THREE pieces of human trash were waterboarded. I do not weep for them and anyone else that was subjected to sleep deprivation, cold cells, etc. Poor babies...
Because you can’t back your assinine claims.
We tortured first?
Neither of your links proved anything. The first one said DETAINEES alleged abuse. Right, so you believe them? Mmkay. The second said that innocents were allegedly held there. Mmkay again.
Source this, too. Please.
“Torture” at Gitmo.
There wasn’t a second 9/11. Give thanks and stop being a pussy for what those savages were put through. They’d happily behead you and show the world the video. Who gives a shit if THREE of them were waterboarded, sleep deprived, and kept in cold cells? Thanks to people like you, we’ve had two terms of B. Hussein Obama.
Torture isn’t torture. It’s not black and white. And, oh, yeah, they were also kept in cold cells, were sleep deprived, and subjected to loud music. Poor babies... Meanwhile, they have no problem with beheading those that they capture. Thanks to people like you, we had two terms of B. Hussein Obama.
Source that claim.
Sorry, but I actually want this country kept safe by any means possible. Isn’t that just adorable?