That literally means zip, zero, ziltch. I hate it when people make the “You didn’t _____, so you can’t comment” argument. There are many ways to enlighten oneself and be educated enough to comment on something without actually having done it.
That literally means zip, zero, ziltch. I hate it when people make the “You didn’t _____, so you can’t comment” argument. There are many ways to enlighten oneself and be educated enough to comment on something without actually having done it.
His “argument” makes no sense; it’s a complete straw man.
Most definitely no. She’s strong and talented, but how much competition does she have? There’s not exactly a huge base of female UFC fighters out there.
One of his THREE helicopters is in the U.K., no doubt for his business over there. The other two are here in the U.S.
What a stupid fucking thing to post. As if being from MN has anything to do with this.
Fucking Millennials - can’t they do anything right?
Shut the fuck up, leave here, and never come back.
Fucking troll.
If CA is like other states, it’s not illegal to text if stopped (such as at a light). They could see people texting as they drive by, though.
You can spot Goose’s name on a patch in a stack of personal items that Maverick carries to Goose’s widow after he dies (SPOILER ALERT). And it’s visible a time or two on the F-14.
If we had stayed and negotiated in 2003, Iran would have no nuclear program.
They give up ALL nuke ambitions/programs in return for lifted sanctions. They don’t need it for electicity, as I believe they’ve bullshitted about before. This just delays the inevitable and gives a known state-sponsor of terrorism wealth in the meantime.
I’m not expert, but common sense dictates that setting up a simple electric charging station off the grid is LOT easier than setting up a hydrogen filling station. The infrastructure isn’t there already.
Despite allegedly reducing their stockpile, they’re still going to be able to continue their nuclear program. STOPPING their program in return for the lifting of sanctions would have been something, not this.
I’m sure Iran will always FULLY disclose things to the IAEA. The country’s truly an upstanding member of the international community and have demostrated this over the past 35 years.
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