
It’s not against the law in Michigan and I doubt it is elsewhere.

You must be in California. Outlier.

The price per gallon is still about a DOLLAR lower than a year ago! What price would make you happy??

Mid-90s Dave was the best Dave because of shit like this. Awesome.

A car cannot look more angry. LAMBO HUNGRY.

jodark, you magnificent bastard, I’ve missed your posts on here. Jalop just isn’t the same as it was, say, five or more years ago... I don’t post much anymore, just read.

I’d love a 1987 or so IROC-Z in red or the off yellow. I was 10 at the time and LOVED that car. Still do.

I wish I could star this post 100 times.

I beg to differ. When that bad boy came out in 1993, it was the shit and drew a lot (well deserved) attention. Of course I was an impressionable 16-year-old, but still... Hard to believe its LT1 only had 275 hp.

They’re the size of your finger tip or so. Seems appropriate. Point, touch, activate. You require something bigger?

You just admitted you drive a Sonic?

Who cares about drifting Camaros...

Right, because your hill situation happens MULTIPLE times, EVERY day! It’s 2015, electronic e brakes work for 99% of the time and situations AND they make interior design a lot better.

Hahaha! YES.


That LS is also probably 10 years old, right? Think they stopped making them in 2006. They’re a lot better designed and easy to use now.

Your friend is in the tiniest of minorities. I’ve tracked my cars and you don’t use the e brake while doing so.

Who cares? I’d rather sacrifice a tiny bit of visibility and not be a sheep. You drive a Camry?

Please. If a standard parking brake broke, could you easily fix it? No. Dumb argument.

Light on = engaged. Light off =/= engaged. Easy. How many times are you disconnecting the battery in a car to worry about an electronic e brake?? Last, a huge lever is clutter and takes up a whole helluva lot more room than a switch in the center console.