
For fuck's sake, no one dies (or has died) when a concept isn't produced. This post was garbage.


Love B&T and Ron Sexton.

Fuck. Off. Jealous much?

I stand corrected. "...and keep the LED headlights."

No way, dude. Those are strictly cosmetic, designed to look like some sort of venting system behind the rear wheels. It might be a little better if there was an actual vent behind the wheels (then they'd be functional), but there's not. They serve no aerodynamic purpose there, otherwise.

Tone it down? I'm not sure how they toned it down. These things all need to be burned with fire. They design, from front to back, is horrible.

Name me some of my favorite cars that have plastic on the back. These plastic things, which serve no purpose and are non-functional, are horrible.

I saw the Lexus line with these new maws at the Detroit Auto Show January of this year, including the new RC-F. I couldn't believe it. The entire RC is an abortion. I mean, who the fuck ok'd the fake plastic grills behind the rear wheels? Seriously?!

"Let's take this front end...

The entire front end of Lexuses (Lexi?) look like an accident, especially with that huge maw.

Holy shit. +1

You're not being "that guy" at all. I hate the douche for things we've seen on camera. This is different. It's mere accusations. Even worse (or better for him), it's he said/she said. He's innocent until proven guilty. NASCAR should not pull him from racing next year if this still isn't resolved by then.

The US hasn't got a huge amount of good aquaintances left out there these days, and even fewer friends.

Did you really laugh out loud?

All that C02 being the military, nonetheless. This pic would piss of hippie liberals. I love it.

You can't go see concepts and HOT MODELS at a dealership.

Tomorrow on Jalopnik:

And how do you propose they do this? The Germans are the standard of the world (and have been for some time), so aspiring to be more like them is a good move. This isn't the 1950s.