"Chris Matthews-esque tingle" - I lol'd. Good one.
"Chris Matthews-esque tingle" - I lol'd. Good one.
Bastard! $3.03 up here in Michigan. And it's getting cold.
Yeah, NASCAR's gone downhill from 10-15 years ago. They went from a season-long points race (which worked fine for how many years?) to the Chase, which I didn't see a need for. But at least it still rewarded consistency, albeit only over the last 12 races.
Yeah, somewhat similar with me and Gordon. I hated him in the 90s because, well, he was the new kid winning races and championships and was, thus, rivaling Earnhardt. And he was a little cocky and whiny back then (I used to go to the Michigan race and listen to the radio traffic). Anyway, I've been very impressed…
Gordon's not going to need a win to get to the final four. He's been great this year and I bet he wins it all. Dammit.
FFS... Please.
Oh fuck off with your race baiting.
Leave and don't post here again, cunt.
Even the well-educated can be jackasses. Waiving a cop over and trying taking him to task over a miniscule technicality in the law makes him a fucking idiot.
This Seim guy is a fucking idiot...
Diddy's worth $700 million. Bills are sent to him, not from him.
Not harsh, truthful.
God, you're an annoying dude. First, I'm not taking the time to read through the goddamn responses or hit view more replies if I'm in a hurry, which I was. So zip it. Second, KIA CAN'T "BUILD HISTORY" WITH NONSENSE LETTERS/NUMBERS. If they started with a number that made sense, like F40 or F50 did, then it'd make…
First off, my deepest, most sincere apologies for not reading through all your responses to others. You could've just referred to me to them. Instead, you wasted more time...
There's a reason and history behind them here...
Did you really lol?
Legit. You pay 300 grand for a slot car track and they don't even throw in shipping.
"And look at Audi now: they've attained tremendous success selling a wide range of high-end vehicles, even though they're all dramatically underpowered and most of them have CVTs."
Gotcha. I retract my post; sorry.
Bitch, bitch, bitch... It's a new version of an important car in the market, not "non-news." Don't click and read the articles.