Pfft, it’s Tim Tebow. He won’t get to 2nd base ‘til he’s married.
Pfft, it’s Tim Tebow. He won’t get to 2nd base ‘til he’s married.
AND lose it at home. More pictures of sad white people in red face plz.
That sounds like one of those really smart takes that actually isn’t correct.
To continue the dogpile, Duckworth is a registered member of the Daughters of the American Revolution which is about as close as you can get to a guarantee of her history was you can get without hiring a historian. Here’s an article from 2011 where the Illinois DAR built a statue to honor women soldiers. In the…
What’s honestly depressing about your ignorant comment is that 13 people have starred it. You’re a piece of shit, as are those 13 equally racist, ignorant assholes.
You fucking idiot, she has two parents, like most humans, one of which is of Thai ancestry, and the other of which is of American ancestry.
I guess you could be incredibly bad at math, so let me help you out:
Her mother is Thai; her father, however, is an American who can directly trace his lineage back to a soldier in the Revolutionary war.
Well, everyone else here has told you off, so I’ll just glibly but accurately point out that you are human garbage.
That Wikipedia is also an amazing thing. I had no idea who this woman was before this asshole who lies about his own military background insulted her. However, now I know SHE LOST BOTH OF HER LEGS SERVING IN IRAQ.
You know, I went and looked it up!
So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:
Are you the kind of person who is upset that the PS4 can’t output 60FPS at 4K?
Do you suffer anytime Minecraft dips under 200FPS?
Do you have seizures whenever a game has the audacity to run at 30FPS?
Do you cry yourself to sleep at night because your game stuttered in a way that requires you to analyze it frame-by-frame…
“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”
That’s a weird glitch in the header, why doesn’t that wrestler have an opponent?
I can’t see anyone.
Well I’m glad you don’t read articles for a living!
Did you read the article at all? Hayes never put a statement out. Said statement was put together and released on Hayes behalf by someone else within his party at the time. Hayes, currently recovering from a stroke, couldn’t do much about it.