
So sick of this stupid argument. False fucking equivalency. You would never assume a white person was changing their appearance to appear not white because there's no "not white" privilege to be gained from that. There is privilege to be gained by a person of color who tries to emulate the physical characteristics of

Eh, the eye surgery doesn't seem to have made that much of a difference. She's wearing so much eye makeup in the after picture, so it's hard to tell. But boy, that nose job made a world of difference. I know some people will claim that she looked "better" before, but come on. The nose job definitely worked.

Ugh, you should write an article for i09 or something. I think you've pretty much nailed the distinctions between sci-fi and fantasy in addition to demonstrating why sci-fi is more flexible and often more enjoyable. I've always disliked that the two are lumped together when they're usually utilized in very different

I feel like I see this a lot. Instead of black man/"white" (blond, blue eyed) woman, it'll be a black man and a latina woman. Or black man/racially ambiguous woman. Like "oh we're progressive! But not that progressive!".

Seconding this as a mixed race person. This is something I've noticed white people doing. Another thing I've noticed is that the white half of a white/nonwhite relationship will kind of think that they are honorary members of whatever race their spouse is. Or that they suddenly understand the experience of being "not

I don't think I've ever been able to articulate why I prefer sci-fi over fantasy (like wayyyyy prefer). So, thanks for doing that brain thinking thing for me.

Fage all the way.

omg what I am supposed to say. I can't say she looks good, because that would imply that being fat is less attractive than being thin. And I can't say "now she's healthier, I bet she feels great" because that would imply being fat is unhealthy in some way. I'll just keep staring at the gif and keep my mouth shut.

Is this serious or some new kind of trolling?

Yup, agreed. Perfect example of how ingrained sexism is. Hatred of all things "feminine" makes men irrationally try to avoid being seen as womanly. But isn't irrationality a female trait? Oh yeah, not when men do it. Forgot.

I just remember a teacher once saying something like "yogurt is good for you, especially for girls!" in like 2nd grade. Totally true statement, but when boys heard it was for girls, they probably never ate a yogurt again.

Hey, look. You got something right.

"But I have traveled over most of the uk, and selected American cities, and never seen this."

Uh, really? This is why Jezebel is dying.

lel at white people not understanding the desire to anal bleach. When you're a particular shade of brown (like myself), your asshole literally looks like it's shitty because of the concentration of melanin in your delicious asshole folds. Mmm, attractive. I'll admit that I haven't been driven to "bleach" my asshole

Animal abuse is less okay than people abuse.

Who are you yelling at and why do you assume that I don't 100% agree with you? Lack of critical thinking is EXACTLY the problem I had with this article.

True, true. All very good points. Makes me sad since I'm a huge sci-fi nerd and in a STEM field, so I could potentially have something useful to contribute if only I didn't waste nearly all of my day applying makeup, buying shoes and enjoying my oppression. .

Protip - they aren't. Not all heels are uncomfortable and not all heels are 6"+. And I'll stop wearing my heels when they stop being incredibly beneficial to me in a variety of ways. Please take your concern elsewhere.

No, but you don't GET IT stop being so HYSTERICAL GOD. He was just saying that, in the context of the subject matter at hand, his OPINION was that he and his penis (same thing??) didn't like them and that a woman somewhere maybe could decide NOT to wear them because they don't do anything for HIM/HIS BONER. Get it? I