
This is what went on in death camps and probably still does in places like North Korea.

In a country with laws prohibiting pistol/handgun ownership, most burglars don't have them. Advocating gun ownership because other people have guns is crazy. If that kid had attacked the other kid with a knife, he'd probably still be alive. All it takes to kill someone in America is a flash of anger and an index

The reason Americans can't have nice things is because you have guns, not because adults might happen to leave them unsecured. If I were to ask you what you thought about my owning a wild grizzly bear that I kept chained up in a locked room, what would you say? You'd probably think it crazy and dangerous. Why would

You funny Americans and your cocktails. Cocktails are for women. Can you have all this research done again but with reference to pints of beer instead, please?


