
Cameron Diaz is not a talented actor. When my kid watches Shrek, I just cringe because even her voice-over is completely terrible and sounds like something out of a high school drama club. Plus, her laugh is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

Crash the book was a hallucinatory nightmare. Crash the movie was a pornographic mess. I liked them both for different reasons.

Not pictured: his miniature giraffe.

Omg number 3. It is so frustrating to try to be friends with someone in an awful relationship who just won't listen to good advice. My ex-roommate/friend had a crazy abusive boyfriend who was verbally/physically/psychologically abusive. At first, she was fairly receptive to advice and could admit things were fucked

This is all I have to say.

So small! Cute Doges! Super!

Dated a guy for two years in who reserved the right to answer the phone during sex only if it was his mother. I was too young to know better. How could anyone possibly be too young to know better than that? you ask. Ah, but it was love.

If you don't know a lot of American Jewish young men that book makes probably no fucking sense.

I purposefully adopted a black dog to combat this - he had been waiting 7 months to be adopted. I love him soooooo much

I'm surprised pregnant women aren't forced to be chained to beds for nine mouths to ensure that the baby is 100% safe because women are just baby incubators and we have to protect the unborn precious little angels. *massive eye roll* What is this shit, the Giver?

No dude, no.
I don't want anybody to get raped, I just wish people would stop siding with rapists.