You wrong for that but I still giggle.
You wrong for that but I still giggle.
He's just repackaging an old deal in new cloth. Harper's did an expose on the rise of evangelical Christianity in the 60's and guess who led that shit? Disillusioned hippies in southern Cali. These people will always be around in the same way addicts become temperate zealots or your formerly fat friends constantly…
Is Russia actually worse now than it was in during the Cold War? I just am not sure what to make of their plethora of problems and their seeming indifference to them.
First of all DMX would either be late or go about it real easy and just bring a gun. I'm sure he knows what's it like to be an inside and he could actually redeem his career by killing him entirely.
L I V I N G ! ! !
Seriously (no hate) but what is up with Mindy Kaling and these plain (Canada face) guys? I mean they're not hot Mindy. Jesus, just stop.
Every time one criticizes anything in or about Russia, they seem to think it's a conspiracy. Sad times for the losers of the Cold War.
The sad thing is that the sexual abuse could've warped these young ladies into becoming victimizers themselves. I hope they're getting counselling because abuse of any kind imprints itself on your life in ways you don't expect.
My point was that whenever a woman achieves some personal or professional high, she's uppity. When she doesn't, she's a dumb bitch. Poor women, so much to overcome in this world. They should start by killing their male children.
I've been to the UK.
What on earth is chocolate drop?
Sadly, there's no going back to a pre-Thatcherite because both the left and centre in British politics have departed from picking up for the little guy and girl. Tony Blair (I hope he goes to hell) definitely put a human face on the right-wing capitalist machine and ended everything in a big bang. I think the British…
Why is it that women are called uppity when they attempt to exert the same standards as men in their respective fields? I remember having female bosses my coworkers loathed but they couldn't tell you why they didn't feel that way about male managers.
Ya, you guys really need to fix that tax dodging. I was watching The Revolution Will Be Televised and my god, the companies in operation in the UK make North American tax dodgers seem like amateurs. Amazon pays a pittance in tax because of Luxembourg and Ireland. Sad times for Britannia, not ruling anything these days.
I'm Canadian and yes, we also have ambulance chasers but Jesus, getting sued over libel is like a cottage industry in the UK. Even Arab royalty will sue in British courts because they're the only ones stupid enough to entertain such legal quandaries.
These Brits are giving Americans a run for their money when it comes to petty litigious shit. I wonder how much lawyers across the pond get paid?