That chocolate chip is so heavy on my shoulder. Have fun playing in the fog.
Mazel tov.
Elvis Presley. Beastie Boys. Vanilla Ice. Etc. Etc. White people doing black shit, give them a prize, someone, please award them.
Thank god. Please do.
Good for you chile. Now go and do your "whoopie" in the air and eat a marshmallow.
Ha! Timing! Ha! Racism! All those things aren't real. Macklemore is hot because he's talented, colour-blind ally to the homos. That's why he's so good, not because he looks like the legions of white guys who think they're cool because they have a racially mixed social relations and they don't freak out at every homo…
Blah blah, you're not saying anything that these people who marvel and are amazed by a white straight guy saying something marginalized people have been saying for a minute. So yes, he did come lately. Also, white straight men love padding each other on the back for being so open-minded, diverse and allies to social…
Bahahahahaha, yes some homosexual RaHoWa is impending! Arm yourselves homos with dildos and crisco so we can slip and slide and sodomize all the heteros with the guns and socially-sanctioned violence.
My point was who cares if he's related to a homo? Just because you're related to a homo doesn't mean you suddenly have some crazy insight that someone who isn't wouldn't. Not true.
Good for you. Now go scream into a pillow and pray the gay away.
Honey, I'm not the one arguing against your own kind. We'll see how quickly the straight people (who only tolerate you for now) will rush to your aid in the future. Best focus on your own growth in social terms and not grovelling for the scraps thrown to you.
Because she's a woman and would probably be best placed to understand what issues affect women. Men usually aren't so well-placed to speak for women but hey, it doesn't stop them though.
Go back into the closet you silly gusano.
You cannot be racist against white South Africans. Not possible. Would you like a seat?
Child, you know you wrong for that. :P
Going to do my dishes now. Far more stimulating than you. Bye bye.
Thank you Dr. Rosenberg. I'll make sure to mention it to my shrink this Thursday.
I like riding dick (even if it's the short poopstick stuck to Macklemore). Secondly, I'm annoyed with non-queer people speaking on behalf of people they aren't. I hope you can see the arrogance that comes with that. He can write a whole series on privilege but he's just a total sham who speaks empty words for paper.…