Why you mad though? The fact that I abhor suburban white kids using our HomoAfrican slang is somehow worthy enough for you to wish death on me. I would never wish death on you, just pray you're impotent and saddened your mom hadn't swallowed your dad's nut, instead of letting slip between her hairy, pockmarked,…
To be frank, by uncool I meant white people that aren't poor or queer.
When the uncool segments of the population start using it and we're left rolling our eyes when used wrongly or done in an "ironic" way. Ugh.
Please don't overuse it. We don't need it to become like 'twerk', 'turn up', 'homeboy', etc.
Child, you slay me.
Hahahaha, he's not our problem anymore!
Honestly, between the concussions, the excessive partying and the domestic abuse, I have no idea why these men make for sexual idols to some. Sigh, sad times. Books only cause you diminished sight. Or inflamed reactions to the dust (I have allergies).
Incognito strikes again!
Ugh, Thornhill. Any part of the GTA north of the 401 is a wasteland of sorts. I guess he did sports so as not to succumb to death by boredom.
Ding ding ding, you win.
Does he have friends or hostages?
Why didn't this guy's mom just swallow him. Men forget they come from women.
And they say American culture isn't rooted in violence. Let this whole mess be a lesson...until the next headline captures your fancy.
We need to make rape a death penalty issue in the same treason is. You are being treasonous against your mama, sister, granny, aunty, nieces, wives and daughters. What shocks me is the continued indifference of the legal system to act. But then again, this sort of thing just happened in Nova Scotia and we had a guy on…
Slayed a million times. Huzzah!
Will you people just leave me alone!
You sir, are soiling the good name of a fine Scottish thinker with such pronouncements. Please save us the nonsense and go imbibe some cleaning product.
I am slayed right now.
How was it? Photobomb anyone?