Ha Ha, that Was good! I'm a level 4 vegan, BUT on a really cloudy day, Nothing casts a shadow......
Ha Ha, that Was good! I'm a level 4 vegan, BUT on a really cloudy day, Nothing casts a shadow......
i live on solar energy
I always knew I thought George Clooney was kind of a wanker.
My little sister came home one day sobbing and said “my friend hung himself.” My mom patted her on the shoulder and said, “hanged.”
Parenting from the Inside Out is a great book. It’s written b y a psychologist who goes into the brain science as well as the emotional/social side of things. It’s more strategic than tactical, but it definitely provides some great ideas. He’s also written No Drama Discipline, which he wrote with a pediatric…
The best advice I can give you is to avoid all parent/baby sites like the plague.
Yes, yes he does. I kind of which they would explain that starburst tattoo on his chest. I thought it was some kind of weird burn patter from the war at first. Also wish he was shirtless more often...
I’m sorry to be sharing some sad news on here but I feel so very lost. I’m currently having a miscarriage. it was a missed miscarriage that we discovered during a routine appointment at 13 weeks. we saw a healthy strong heartbeat at our first ultrasound at 8w3d and baby must’ve stopped growing the next week or so. I…
That is the definition of bodysnarking. If you're going to do it, at least own it.
...a Tori Spelling story claims she wants to talk to Emily Goodhand, the woman Dean McDermott cheated with, and "she's hoping for a public showdown on TV." Provided that Goodhand exists, of course.
Whenever my wife gets a PIV orgasm it involves us doing a grinding missionary, but that could just be us.
Meh - you live with a partner for ten years, you don't need to register your relationship with the state to be married. I've lived with my partner for ten years and at this point even his fundamentalist baptist parents consider us married.
I honestly think they say that because many women lie about how much alcohol they have consumed so you can't really count on all of the studies. I can see a bunch of women saying, "No, honestly, I only had a glass or two of wine!" when they really had much, much more :(
The trial of Nigella Lawson and Charles Saatchi versus their assistants is the stuff that people who love watching…
Wait for it....
If the girlfriend won't shut up, what the hell are you two dudes doing? Making out?
i love a man with a chest!