
I think this was the device some guy got stabbed and killed over in China (some guy thought he was getting an iPhone, he got this, so he stabbed someone who saw selling these), but from what I've seen on Youtube comparing the two, they seem very comparable to an iPhone 4, specs and everything.

sadly...my friend said he ordered one from Amazon...lonely guy I guess, but the package was stolen (because the delivery service in his area is really bad on leaving packages outside of apartments). hopefully the thief is occupying his time well, as I don't expect he can pawn it. [yes, I know saying "my friend",

I think it's weirder when you see them in the "customers also bought" section of Amazon for products you wouldn't think people would buy together.

"Long Live The New Flesh"

I started playing 2 weeks ago and everyone who had it before me never uses it anymore...and I'm starting to slow down my use. I wonder if they can still make money if the user base only lasts for 2 weeks.

it blew my mind when I started playing MMOs where you could marry characters...knowing that the female character you're marrying is most likely a man. I think that is a lot more gay, than marrying an AI character, and a lot less creepy if it's a man marring a man, not a man marrying a man playing as a female

Bigotry is a family value?

WARNING: Violent Videogames have been linked to aggressive behavior in videogames.

well, the Bible that we know of today was put together 300 years after Jesus' death, although sources say that each book may have been written only 100 years after his death, that's at least 3 generations of story telling. It's a little hard to believe that people could remember the exact quotes or events that

it seems very difficult to keep your legs all bent like that during the take off. they're bent but they don't move at all with the flapping of the wings, which would require someone to lock them up very tightly...if it's even possible.

Jesus Christ would have to exist in the first place to return. you do know the Christian Bible wasn't completed until 300 years after Jesus' death, and scriptures were left out.

had to pause the video to make sure that horrible music was coming from the game. "yes I'm ready, that's why I pressed start, now SHUT UP"

Now playing

nah, surprised you guys never touched on this. this is almost a year old...and I don't think Brian ever touched on it. I guess he doesn't have MTV Japan.

now is his speech impediment from being fat, or is it that his speech impediment led to him being fat.

I think it's mostly to hold the horse's junk in to make it more aerodynamic...it seems the back is open just incase a horse can't hold it...but the bottom part looks quite tight.

of what people are posting, looks like an Android running iPhone look alike. I'd possibly pay $300 if it worked as good as my iPhone...and wasn't carrier locked.

make that Skyrim and it would be Billions~

goes from System with worst disc drive to no disc drive...interesting. trays were so last gen.

...still didn't understand why it was delayed. it's unrelated to 東北.

...my friend drew a bong, too bad the word wasn't bong but the title of a really old videogame. it took me so long to notice their mistake. I even had the letters for bong, but it wouldn't accept it...and then I realized some people can't differentiate a lowercase b from a lowercase p...because they're stupid.