
AKB already made a movie about a song that makes you commit suicide. 伝染歌

I thought it was going to have an alternative message like, "How far would you go to save someone you love? Donate blood today"

awkwardly walking flash: "did I hear Left4Dead?!"

I wish gamegear did better, it was pretty awesome, but really heavy and a battery whore.

tell that to the Japanese iPhone.

sorry, only saw menu, my bad. it does come pretty standard, although when connected to my laptop, my PSVita thinks that some albums are broken down into 3-5 different albums. But having the ability to run music while you play any game is awesome (except sound effects are a lot silenter than I'd like)

...why do I see these things popping up, you'd think someone would see this in their menu normally.

your eyes say, "Omg Beautfiul" not, "Omg get those jagged objects out of my eyes"

well, maybe it's exclusive PS3 DLC (Disc Locked Content) and exclusive Xbox360 DLC (downloadable content) that would be the lamest marketing ploy.

ZOE3!!! You know, we never got a special version of [MGS4...like] Substance and Subsistence.

I think it's because Sony is advertising the PSVita on [Kotaku...if] you didn't notice. PSVita was officially released today, so maybe they're obligated to repost their review of it

iPhone games are comparable to miniS

as of yet, no.

Disc Locked Content

too bad to the unknowing, they think it's white chocolate. they don't taste the wasabi until you tell them. (unlike when you tell your friend the wasabi is green tea ice cream or guacamole)

I've had my PSP since launch, I'm ready to move on and away from UMD.

I think they mistook 2QWOP for a new COD

too bad 10m is WIN.

add some treasure and it looks like Uncharted FPS

wow, that guy has some issues.