looks like a suppository joke to me
looks like a suppository joke to me
did you review the cartridge or download version. I downloaded WipEout 2048 over the weekend onto my JP PSVita and I'm getting major freezing issues. been trying to find answers. also miniS don't seem to be working either.
my copy keeps freezing ><...
with PSVita, you can press the PS button and put your game into standby, do other stuff on your PSVita, then return to the game. not sure if you have a game in standby while you have your PSVita in standby.
Could you guys checked if the miniS are actually working yet. I get emulation error whenever I try.
I left mine in sleep for about 3-4 days (with it updating on Nier) and when I checked it, it had 80% (that was after using it a little then sitting it for those 3-4 days)
note to devs: find a fan to remake your classic game, offer them a good amount of money, see what they can do. fans will be happy.
finally, someone to stop Angry Birds.
guy makes games that are creative and not mainstream (except for Brutal Legend), gets money from people to make next game.
it is still winter...and very cold in Japan, so I wouldn't doubt it.
games USUALLY have preprogramed button layouts, in Japanese games X is cancel, O is accept, but I have noticed recently, that the system's button layout overwrites the games button layout (Japanese systems will use O as Accept, X for cancel)...which really sucks. I have more Japanese games than US for PS3, and my PS3…
looks about right, the left picture is her facing down but looking up + photoshop. if you've seen her in a movie, she looks a lot more like the right (syndicate) than she does on the left. left almost has a hint of Gene Grey from the Xmen movies.
and this is why I own a Japanese PSVita. Too bad most of the time accept is Touch Screen
need money?!
Sad Clown
too bad Wipeout is cheaper on Amazon than it is via Digital.
that's not true...his eyes are open, he should be sleeping.
they took the hardest path, but still the best pokemon.
upped the better one. btw, I took the last charmander.
I found this one to be better, and more accurate. obviously Charmander is the best choice. (at University of Southern California)