
...I still can't get over that I thought with how bad the trailer looked, it was a PSVita game. It looked only slightly better than what I've seen for the 3DS Resident Evil. Either those were early images/character models, or there is something up with this game.

if Raccoon City coming out in March doesn't fix this issue, we have a big problem, if it does. We Win.

my color blind friend says he can't see the target radical, so take that The advocacy publication for disabled video game enthusiasts, AbleGamers

maybe stupid question, but I was under the impression MegaUpload and MegaVideo were in association with each other, no MegaUpload means no MegaVideo right?

Gravity Daze (Rush) already did it.

so ridiculous, my friend rented it and we beat it that night...well, we finished at 4-5am

addicting, but damn was it stressful. OMG THAT PINATA I WANTED IS VISITING!!! NO DON'T RUN AWAY!!! (you finally get it) OMG, STOP FIGHTING!!!! (pinata you wanted is killed)

watching the trailer, it looks like a PSVita game, graphics looks worse that RE5. Then see the end, cringe, and assume it will be a downloadable game.

I don't know what's better, the stunt work or that they found a guy who actually looks like the lead.

I think it was Rare's Viva Pinata: Party Animals that did them in.

Goemon for PS2 wasn't bad either, too bad it never came stateside.

it's a game that needs to come to virtual console, yet what is holding it back is that Wii can't emulate the N64 Memory Card. a more realistic thing to hope for would be that PSN continues putting PS2 games up and eventually puts up Japanese PS2 classics (like they've done with PSone) so people can finally play

I hated that game because of the controls, then loved it for a long time...don't know how close I got to beating it, then played it again after N64 was long dead and hated the controls. I'd say it needs an Xbox360 HD remake.

play them, and it will be blatantly obvious.

Mario 64 never had a sequel, so what was wrong with a game copying Mario 64. Maybe people wanted to play more games like Mario 64. In the games similar to Mario 64 on N64 that were good, there are Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie...thinking of any others...Goemon 64 maybe


I think they decided to just port it to every available system and save $.

I didn't mean Versus XIII, I mean everything SquareEnix should be working on, they're not working on. Everything you want isn't being made, and we're getting sequels to games we never asked for.

I have a Wifi PSVita and it is having trouble connecting to my Wifi in the house. When I first tried to connect at Vita startup, it told me the signal strength wasn't strong enough, even though the router was on the opposite side of the wall (with my Laptop and PS3 working fine with said Wifi signal even further from

Valve, don't become like SquareEnix