Rick Ross

The driver of the SUV was a 77-year-old man who thought the vehicle was in reverse, when he hit the accelerator and was in drive instead.

On the rotor itself, I’m bothered exactly ZERO amount since the pads will remove it within the 1st brake press.

However, the rust on the area between wheel and the rotor irks me to no end. There’s no reason for that area to rust on a mid to high end vehicles. 

A .50 Desert Eagle, from a foot away.
I wouldn’t trust a braille copy of the Bible to stop that.
I mean, not that I trust the Bible for anything else for that matter.

Top three things wrong with the world today:

I could feel confident in saying that, whenever possible, a happy marriage includes the idea of not driving your car right at your spouse

Yes, if the boys are to be believed (which I absolutely do) he ran drills with them how not to get caught. He knew it was wrong, he knew the consequences. He was a sick fuck who thought what he was doing was fine. Gaslighting. threatening... Watching the documentary, I was like, fuck, this was all so obvious. So

I think the old man might have been trying to take out the hot sauce guy. Who slams their foot down on the accelerator pedal when reversing unless they’re running from the cops? Grandpa’s a psychopath who misjudged his victim’s lust for spice.

So, wait, are you suggesting there could be a flaw in all the US safety bodies basically leaving it up the the companies they’re meant to regulate to regulate themselves?! How unAmerican of you!

The driver of the SUV was a 77-year-old man who thought the vehicle was in reverse, when he hit the accelerator and was in drive instead.”

I’ve already been seeing these laughable attempts at spin in various comments sections— “he was an eco terrorist! he was an eco fascist! he was a socialist communist leftist! he was practically Bernie Sanders!” It’s amusing to watch how fast this kind of thing spreads as soon as there’s ONE plausible counterstory....

“This Hitler guy never once said anything about making America great!”

“The driver of the SUV was a 77-year-old man who thought the vehicle was in reverse, when he hit the accelerator and was in drive instead.”

“Listen, I think everyone should read Mein Kampf just to clarify what positions that Hitler had that ran contrary to the Trump administration.”

Update WinRAR on your PC now!

You’d be surprised how many of them are police members, or FBI members.

Not a steel beam, as he wouldn’t be able to lift it. Looks like aluminum for scaffolding. My hunch is he stole it and is planning to scrap it. 

Oh, fuck off with your concern trolling.  

WTF. Like... seriously. WTF. I never paid attention to any social aspects of Steam, but holy shit. This “hands off” bullshit is why the gaming and tech industry are the shit holes they are now. Ol’ Gabe needs to grow a damn spine and some balls. Although at this point, one might really wonder if he claim this “hands

As heinous as support for these mouthbreathers is, you can’t just steal items they have bought from them because they have expressed support for shitty ideologies.

Ben Shapiro has basically said that genocide or any other sort of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is morally fine, and his only concerns with carrying it out are practical. He has also said the United States has the right to preemptively attack ANY Muslim country. I don’t want to hear his performative outrage at the