Richard Northwood

you never know when one of those broads from Jezebel will chime in, better to be safe than sorry


Ah Delino Deshields, I remember having his rookie card back when they were still popular. I used to brag to friends that it would be worth a lot since he would be the next Vince Coleman (as a child my reasoning was that they were both black and looked alike).

Just wait until he heads over to O'Doyle's and tries the new Pressure Cooker Shrapnel Pilsner on tap. It's the bomb.

This would actually be brilliant marketing. Best $60k in advertisement Chevy would ever spend. Send this guy a car, no questions asked. The rest would take care of itself.

Meh, I like it.

I love the idea of Alpina. I've always hated their wheels. I'd give me ducats to boys in /M on this one.

To be succinct, not a fan. Not a deal breaker, but I would seriously want to modify that note immediately. Let's hear it on a track.

If Deadspin and ESPN could just make peace with one another, we could have more of this.

There is nothing as annoying, and clueless as people complaining about how cars evolve. I have been fortunate enough to drive the e39, the e60 and the F10 M5's and they were all very special cars. If you can afford an F10, you can ALSO afford to buy an older version of some car to recapture that classic feel, and

There is nothing as annoying, and clueless as people complaining about how cars evolve. I have been fortunate enough to drive the e39, the e60 and the F10 M5's and they were all very special cars. If you can afford an F10, you can ALSO afford to buy an older version of some car to recapture that classic feel, and

This won't make any sense to me whatsoever until Bill Simmons explains to me what level of Stomach Punch this is.

There is a pretty good reverse dunk joke here somewhere...

Gotta love a promotion that has their ring babes bring their own outfits.

to know Doug in person as I am fortunate to, you pretty much just encapsulated the man. He does nothing without the intent of winning.

Game Over.

yeah, this is REALLY good lol