Richard Katten Jansson

I don't mind people beating their children as long as they got beaten themselves. Which they probably were.

Challenge accepted

$56 with shipping and import tax to Europe.

LOL! Don't hate! V-shape is awesome but this guy is a bit extreme and he's left-handed.

I'm a V-shape player for sure, but unlike the fella in the picture I'm right-handed.

You mean beside the russians who beat them to everything except the moon landing?

I just watched the anime. O TO THE M TO THE G it was REALLY good! I want more!

Ambition and greed is not the same thing. 99% of all the people who work are the ones that make things happen. The remaining 1% controls who gets what by already sitting on all the cash. Do you really think a paycheck inspired all the people at NASA to land on the moon?

REALLY? Out of everything that is f*ed up in this world you cry your eyes out over a pair of boobs?

Don Quixote anyone?

Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster!

Quite the contrast compared to IGNs review but this review is more along the lines of what I expected to see to be honest. They haven't bothered fixing anything that was broken in the first game. IMHO.

NO! NOT AGAIN! I'm still recovering from the first one. The nightmares, I can't take it anymore. :(

Did you have burgers or chicken for lunch today? Who cares you're gonna die anyway. The END is not the important part, the journey is. The endings were fine.

That's exactly what he said he would, mister.